Framework description

There are a few parts to the framework:


The core of the framework is the actual part doing the work. The core provides functionality and a GUI but is rather stupid: it knows of no ROS nodes, executables or anything else you actually want to run. To create a useful experience the core needs the following additions.


Documentation consists of technical information and user guides. This page is also part of the documentation and you have probably already seen home.

Updating documentation

Once you have made changes please update the documentation by editing the .rst files in VIKI/doc/ and re-build the documentation by running the following the the VIKI root directory

sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs core; cd docs; make html; cd ..


A module is a collection of ROS packages or nodes, with some configuration added so that it provides one simple function. A module is the smallest building block of the framework. You can write your own modules and put it in a dedicated folder so that you and others can use it. If you are a RAM member the developers provide a list of useful modules in an actively maintained repository at .

A more elaborate description (much more technical) can be found in description of module attributes and tags